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General Policies

What you need to know about bringing your pet to The Ruff House Stay & Play:

P & M Pet Services, LLC does business as The Ruff House Stay & Play.  All references in this document to The Ruff House Stay & Play, “us”, or “our” means P & M Pet Services, LLC and these policies are for the benefit of P & M Pet Services, LLC and its members, managers and employees.  These policies are subject to change without notice and they will remain available to our clients on-line.  A printed copy will be provided upon request.


What to bring when your pet visits The Ruff House Stay & Play:

Leash: For the safety of everyone, all pets are required to enter and exit the facility on-leash or in a cage/crate.  Remember, your animal may be friendly, but we may have other animals in the lobby that may react unpredictably.If you have a flexi-leash we ask that you keep the length short and the lock mechanism engaged.


Vaccines: All dogs that attend The Ruff House Stay & Play must be at least 12 weeks old and remain current on the following vaccines:

  • Rabies

  • Distemper/Parvo

  • Bordetalla


We also highly recommend all dogs receive the Canine Influenza Vaccine (CIV) for both Both H3N8 and H3N2 strains. Ask your vet for the bivalent vaccine.


Please be aware that the Bordetella vaccine takes several days to be effective, so we recommend that dogs receive their vaccines at least 7 days before attending The Ruff House Stay & Play.  Also note that some dogs can exhibit symptoms of Canine Cough or Bordetella from receiving the vaccine.

Dogs in heat will not be accepted for any services at The Ruff House. If your dog goes into heat while staying with us, we will contact you to arrange immediate pickup. 


Cats are required to have the following two vaccines: Rabies and Distemper (FVRCP).


The Rabies vaccine is required on all dogs and cats by law and will not be admitted to The Ruff House Stay & Play if their Rabies vaccine is expired.  *Animals will be turned away if they do not have a valid Rabies vaccine.  Animals who must receive an initial Rabies vaccine cannot board for 28 days following inoculation.


Ferrets are required to have Rabies and Distemper vaccines.


It is your responsibility to bring your animal’s vaccination records from a licensed veterinarian at enrollment and each time your animal’s vaccines are renewed.  Vaccines that are not administered by a veterinarian cannot be accepted because we cannot confirm the proper dosage, storage, and administration of those vaccines.  For privacy reasons, most veterinarians in the area will not provide vaccine records directly to The Ruff House Stay & Play unless the client is making the request.  Therefore, you will need to be responsible for ensuring that we receive current vaccine records for your animal.  If you are unsure if we have your animal’s current vaccine records on file, you can either check your on-line account or call us. Veterinarians may email records to or you may upload them through the customer portal.


Age: For their protection, we are unable to accept any puppies under the age of 12 weeks, or who haven't had at least 2 of their Distemper/Parvo vaccinations. 


Medications: If your animal is taking any medications, be sure to bring them in the original bottle.  This ensures that we can provide accurate information to a veterinarian in the event of an emergency.  It is helpful if you can provide clear written instructions for administering your dog’s medications.  The Ruff House Stay & Play does not charge an additional fee for administering medications.


Optional items to bring:

Food (Optional):  We recommend that you bring your animal’s own food when boarding, but this is not required.  Continuing on their own food helps them avoid digestion issues that can result from switching food.  If you do bring your animal’s food, please be sure to bring it in a re-sealable container such as Ziploc bags or plastic containers with lids.  It is helpful to our staff if the food is pre-measured into small bags, but this is not required.  We recommend bringing some extra food just in case your travel plans change, or in case they are so excited they consume more than usual (for free feeding animals).


If you do not bring your pet’s own food, we provide a dry “house” food that your dog or cat can eat at no extra charge.  Our house dog food is iVet® VetBasics™ Canine Maintenance Formula.  This formula maintains an ideal balance of protein and fat that will help promote a healthy life for your dog. iVet Maintenance formula gives your dog the nutrition necessary to maintain strong muscles and a healthy immune system as well as meeting their daily maintenance needs.  If your dog runs out of food, we will feed them our house food unless other arrangements are made.


We use iVet® Feline Adult as our “house” cat food.  High in protein like a cat’s natural diet, it’s a formula cats find naturally delicious, complete with a fiber blend to help control hairballs.


Boarding can be stressful for some animals which impacts their appetite.  In the event your animal does not eat, our staff will wait 24 hours before offering “house” wet food to your pet at a cost of $2/meal. If your animal does not eat the wet food, we will provide chicken and rice in an attempt to get your pet to eat.  Additional charges will be applied for providing wet food/chicken and rice.


All animals falling into the "exotic" boarding category must provide their own food.  We do not carry "house" or specialized food for exotics.


Bedding: We provide blankets for the animals that are boarding with us so it is not necessary to bring bedding.  However, you may bring bedding for your animal if you are confident that it will not pose a choking hazard and will fit in a standard washing machine.  Remember, your animal may act differently when away from home and may chew their bedding while away from home.  While we make every attempt to clean personal property prior to check-out, we cannot guarantee you will receive your bedding in a clean condition due to the amount of bedding we launder on a daily basis.


Toys:  Feel free to bring two or three toys if you think it will make your animal more comfortable. 

Staff reserves the right to remove any toys or personal property they believe pose a danger to your pet.




This will help expedite the drop off process and ensure your items are not misplaced.  While The Ruff House Stay & Play makes every effort to return all personal items, we do see many similar items and sometimes things are misplaced - do not bring any valuable personal items!  We will do our best to return items if found however we do not guarantee the safe return of personal property that is checked-in with your animal. Be aware that your are bringing the, at your own risk - The Ruff House Stay & Play will not replace lost or damaged bedding, toys, or other belongings.



Bowls:  We have plenty of bowls, so it is not necessary to bring a bowl for your animal. 


Breakable Items:  Please do not bring glass or breakable items.


Rawhide Chews:  We do not allow the dogs to keep rawhide chews because of the potential choking hazard.



Lunches:  Dogs that are with us just for daycare and day boarding are not fed unless you request we feed them, in which case you must bring your dog’s lunch in a ziplock bag or other sealed container labeled with their name. We’ll remove your dog from the playgroup for about 1 ½ hours around lunchtime in order to give them some time to eat and digest before going back to play. 


Risks:  While we strive to achieve a safe environment for all animals at The Ruff House Stay & Play, we cannot prevent accidents, injuries, illnesses or changes in behavior.  By bringing your animal to The Ruff House Stay & Play, you accept these risks and you release The Ruff House Stay & Play and its staff from all liability arising from the occurrence of such events.


Just as when you send a child to school, animals can get colds, coughs, stomach bugs and other contagious diseases. Just as your child’s school does not pay for doctor’s visits when your child is injured or becomes sick, The Ruff House Stay & Play does not pay for vet bills if your dog becomes sick or is injured while with us.  We will utilize Pet Care Veterinary Hospital to evaluate/treat any injury or illness that occurs.  If Pet Care Veterinary Hospital is closed, your animal will be transported to either Bay Beach Veterinary Hospital or Blue Pearl Emergency Vet based on availability. Management may decide to utilize a different veterinarian not listed based on the injury or expected wait time.  A medical transport fee (covers round-trip) of $35.00 will be added to your account in addition to a $15/hr waiting room fee based on how long it takes for your pet to be seen.


Two of the more common contagious diseases are Canine Cough and Puppy Warts - 


Canine Cough: Canine Cough, or Bordetella is the name for many different strains of upper respiratory diseases that cause a dog to cough or make a hacking or choking sound.  It is usually not very serious and will pass in a few days.  However, if your dog does begin coughing, we do recommend that they see a veterinarian to ensure that they receive proper treatment because the coughing can lead to more serious issues if left untreated.  (Most veterinarians prefer if you call ahead so they can give you instructions on how to enter their building in order to avoid spreading the cough.)

If your dog is coughing, do not bring them to The Ruff House Stay & Play until your vet has cleared them to be around other dogs (typically a week or so after their symptoms have subsided.)  If a dog is boarding with us and begins to cough, we have isolated areas where they can stay that are vented to the outside until they are picked up.  We will also notify you and contact a veterinarian on your behalf. 


The Ruff House Stay & Play does require the Bordetella vaccine for all dogs that visit us.  But, the vaccine, like a flu vaccine for people, does not prevent all strains of potential upper respiratory issues. 


For more information on Canine Cough and what steps The Ruff House Stay & Play takes to prevent it please ask any of our staff members. 


Puppy Warts:  These cauliflower shaped “warts” caused by the Canine Papilloma Virus typically appear in a dog’s mouth but can also appear on their paws or elsewhere.  They most commonly appear in dogs with weaker immune systems like puppies.  Like Chicken Pox for children, once a dog has had them, they have boosted their immune system against them and they typically do not get them again.  So, it is often considered just a “right of passage” for puppies.  They are not pretty, but they typically do not pose a health risk for your dog and they will usually just fall off in a week or two.  However, if your dog does contract Puppy Warts, you may want to contact your veterinarian just to ensure that there are no health concerns you need to consider.  Although Puppy Warts are contagious, very few dogs will contract them if they are around another dog with the warts since most dogs’ immune systems are strong enough to ward against them.  Even so, The Ruff House Stay & Play does not allow dogs that have Puppy Warts to participate in daycare until the warts are gone. 


Accidents and Injuries:  Just as a school or sports team cannot prevent injuries for children who attend school or play sports, The Ruff House Stay & Play cannot prevent injuries and accidents 100% of the time.  While accidents and injuries can occur at any time, there is a greater risk of an accident or injury if a dog participates in daycare activities. Our daycare is well staffed and our employees receive training beyond industry standards, but they are working with live animals that can be unpredictable. Dogs can sometimes receive puncture wounds or cuts, scratches, broken nails, sore paw pads, sprains or other injuries in group play.  You need to be sure that you are comfortable with this prior to choosing daycare for your dog. 


Also, it is important to check over your dog after they have participated in group play, grooming or otherwise attended The Ruff House Stay & Play.  While our staff checks over all dogs frequently, punctures and cuts can sometimes be missed and can sometimes happen without our staff’s awareness.  Even a small cut or puncture can become infected or cause more serious issues if not cleaned and properly cared for.  It is your responsibility to closely check your dog for any injuries and to ensure that they receive the proper care.


Bloat: Canine Bloat (gastric dilatation-volvulus) is the rapid swelling of a dog’s stomach, which becomes filled with excess gas, fluid or food and enlarges and twists the esophagus and intestines shut.  Bloat is an unpredictable, life-threatening emergency that has no known cause and the symptoms can be very hard to recognize.  While bloat is most common in larger breeds, it can occur in any dog at any time and without warning.  It is possible for a dog to die from bloat in a short amount of time, sometimes even before any symptoms are noticed.  

If our staff is concerned that your dog has bloat, we will take them for emergency treatment immediately.  We will contact you or your emergency contact if possible, but a decision may need to be made quickly. Surgeries relating to bloat can be expensive and may not be successful.  If you would prefer for your dog not to have surgery in the event they are affected by bloat, you may document that in writing with a signature for your dog’s file.  Otherwise, The Ruff House Stay & Play will seek all available treatment possible in consultation with the veterinarian and you will be responsible for any expenses.  (See the section titled Emergencies.)


Behavioral Issues: The Ruff House Stay & Play is not responsible for any behavior issues or perceived behavioral issues that may result from your dog socializing with other dogs or otherwise attending The Ruff House Stay & Play.


Allergies: If your animal has allergies of any type, it is your responsibility to ensure that the staff at The Ruff House Stay & Play is aware of these allergies and the protocols to follow in the event of a reaction.  If your animal has any food allergies, it is important to bring plenty of your animal’s own food so we will not have to switch to our "house" brand of food. 


Health Conditions: All animals attending The Ruff House Stay & Play must be in overall good health. Please let us know if your animal has any health issues.  We are able to care for many pets with special health needs, such as special feeding, more frequent bathroom breaks, or mobility issues.  If your dog needs special care, be sure to discuss this with one of our employees prior to your animal’s arrival so that we can determine if we will be able to provide the care your pet needs. 


Recent Communicable Diseases: Animals may not have had any communicable disease within the thirty days prior to attending The Ruff House Stay & Play unless cleared by a veterinarian.  Please keep the safety of others in mind.  If your animal has had or been exposed to a communicable disease, do not bring them to The Ruff House Stay & Play until cleared by your veterinarian.  The Ruff House Stay & Play may require a written release from your veterinarian prior to your animal attending our facility.  We typically recommend that you have owned your dog for at least 30 days before they participate in daycare.  This allows them time to settle in to their new environment before introducing them to a group play environment. 


Emergencies: The boarding of animals is subject to Article 4 (3.2-6518 et seq.) of Chapter 65 of Title 3.2, Virginia State Code. If your animal becomes ill or injured while in the custody of The Ruff House Stay & Play, The Ruff House Stay & Play shall provide the animal with emergency veterinary treatment for the illness or injury. The consumer shall bear the reasonable and necessary costs of emergency veterinary treatment for any illness or injury occurring while the animal is in the custody of The Ruff House Stay & Play. The Ruff House Stay & Play shall bear the expenses of veterinary treatment for any injury the animal sustains while at the boarding establishment if the injury resulted from the establishment's failure, whether accidental or intentional, to provide the care required by § 3.2-6503. The Ruff House Stay & Play shall not be required to bear the cost of veterinary treatment for injuries resulting from the animal's self-mutilation.


Payments:  Payment is due in full at the time services are provided. Our prices are listed and explained on our website as well as in brochures that are placed in the lobby.  It is your responsibility to make sure that you understand our charges prior to boarding your animal. The Ruff House Stay & Play does not allow clients to defer payment beyond the time you pick up your dog.  Boarding stays longer than one month will require payment in advance or a valid credit card to be on file for purposes of charging payment in full at the end of each month. If someone else will be picking up your dog, you may leave a card on file, pay via phone or pay in advance.  If special arrangements must be made for your dog, for whatever reason, additional charges may be incurred.


There is a $35 handling fee for all returned checks.  Account balances not collected for whatever reason may be sent to a third party for collection.  For purposes of collecting outstanding balances, you give your consent to receive phone calls (automated or otherwise) made to any phone numbers provided.   Your further acknowledge that you are liable for any court costs, reasonable attorney’s fees or other fees associated with the collection of payment.


Reservations: The Ruff House Stay & Play will accept walk-ins for any service if we have an opening.  However, we do strongly recommend that you make a reservation in order to ensure that we have availability.  When you make a reservation, you will receive a confirmation via email. If you do not have a reservation with an email confirmation, we may not be able to admit your dog if we do not have availability.

If you need to cancel a reservation, it is as simple as cancelling on-line or just giving us a phone call.  Repeat cancellations of any service type may result in a deposit being required prior to confirming any future reservation. 



Military: We are proud to offer a 10% discount for active duty military personnel for standard boarding stays (5% if pets are already receiving multi-pet discount).  Luxury Stateroom reservations are not eligible for military discounts. Please note, this discount cannot be combined with any other discounted offer or coupon and active duty ID is required.


Exit Bath: Because your pup will be playing hard during their stay, we highly encourage exit baths, and offer 20% off to all dogs going home.  This bath includes nail trim, anal gland expression, ear cleaning, and plenty of suds!



We offer Daycare and Day Boarding packages, as well as extended stay packages.  Please call and learn more about your savings!


Deposit Policy: Deposits are required for all boarding reservations that fall on major holidays/holiday weekends. Deposit amount will be 50% of booked reservation.

          New Year's Day 

          President’s Day

          Memorial Day 

          Independence Day 

          Labor Day 

          Thanksgiving Day

          Christmas Day

Deposits are also required for first-time clients making reservations in standard accommodations ($30 per animal), as well as new clients reserving luxury staterooms (50% of cost).  


Deposits must be paid within 48 hours of making reservation or the reservation will be automatically cancelled.  ​Deposits can be paid through the customer portal accessible through this website or over the phone.


​Cancellation Policy:  Reservations may be cancelled and deposits refunded to bank account if cancelled more than 7 days prior for new customer deposits, or 14 days prior for major holidays/holiday weekends.  Reservations cancelled after the cut-off mark will forfeit the deposit.


Collars:  Most collars can cause safety hazards in a boarding and group play environment.  Therefore, The Ruff House Stay & Play will typically remove your animal’s collar when they arrive. You may keep your animal’s collar or we will happily store if for the duration of your pet’s stay.


Photos/Video/Webcams:  Photos, videos and webcam footage of the dogs, staff or clients at The Ruff House Stay & Play may be used on the The Ruff House Stay & Play website, social media, lobby displays or in other marketing material.  You consent to our use of your and your animal’s image, likeness and name in such marketing materials. All photos, video and webcam images are the property of The Ruff House Stay & Play and may not be used by you without prior written consent. 


Fleas: All animals attending The Ruff House Stay & Play are required to be free of fleas and ticks.  If an animal is found to have fleas and/or ticks, we will give your pet a Capstar pill.  All efforts will be made to notify you if fleas have been found on your pet and a Capstar has been administered.  Capstar is a common flea treatment recommended and sold over the counter by veterinarians.  The cost of the Capstar treatment will be added to your account.


Late/After-Hours Pickup: Generally late check-out is not available however we do understand that there may be unique situations where animals are not able to be picked up during business hours.  The following additional fees will be assessed for each client checking-out after business hours:


Canine Boarding - cost of 1 additional night

Feline Boarding - cost of 1 additional night

Exotic Boarding - cost of 1 additional night

Day Boarding - $1 per minute past close up to 15 minutes.  Anything past 15 minutes will incur a night of boarding.

Daycare - $1 per minute past close up to 15 minutes.  Anything past 15 minutes will incur a night of boarding.

Grooming - $1 per minute past close up to 15 minutes.  Anything past 15 minutes will incur a night of boarding.


Abandoned Dogs:  The Ruff House Stay & Play is not a dog rescue group nor do we find homes for homeless dogs.  However, we do support and partner with many groups that serve this purpose and can give you their contact information if you need it.  No dog may be abandoned at The Ruff House Stay & Play.  For any animal that is not called for within ten (10) days of the scheduled pickup time, and the owner/agent does not notify The Ruff House Stay & Play of extended boarding, a written notice shall be mailed at which time the owner/agent will have fourteen (14) days to claim the animal. If not claimed within 14 days following written notice, said animal will be considered abandoned and will be sold, offered for adoption, or euthanized. The Ruff House Stay & Play shall have, and is hereby granted, a lien on the animal for any and all unpaid charges and the owner/agent shall remain liable for complete boarding fees as well as other charges incurred in the care, maintenance, and disposal of said animal. The Ruff House Stay & Play may exercise its lien rights upon the first day of abandonment. The owner specifically waives all statutory or legal rights to the contrary.


It is important to leave an emergency contact number other than someone that usually travels with you. This ensures that we have someone to contact regarding your dog’s stay in the event we are unable to reach you.  If you abandon your dog, you will still be responsible for the full boarding stay and any expenses incurred, including but not limited to any applicable attorney’s fees or court costs. 


Release of Liability, Hold Harmless and Indemnification


P & M Pet Services, LLC does business as The Ruff House Stay & Play.  All references in this document to “The Ruff House Stay & Play,” “us,” or “our” means “P & M Pet Services, LLC”; this release is for the benefit of  The Ruff House Stay & Play, P & M Pet Services, LLC and their members, managers, agents, employees and representatives (hereafter “Parties Released”).


By signing this document, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Parties Released from any and all actions, causes of action and claims of every type and nature (including but not limited to claims for negligence), as well as all liability, loss, damages, costs, and expenses (including but not limited to veterinary expenses), judgments, fees (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), third-party actions, and suits at law or in equity arising out of or related in any way to:


·        Any action or inaction or conduct of you, your guests or your animal at The Ruff House Stay & Play or any event sponsored by The Ruff House Stay & Play;


·        Any illness of or injury to your animal or any other animal;


·        Any damage to any person or persons or any of your property or any other property;


·        Your failure to provide complete, accurate and timely information to The Ruff House Stay & Play about your animal; and


·        Any misrepresentation by you or your representatives including, without limitation, any person claiming to be the owner of your animal or the owner’s authorized agent.

In addition, you hereby agree to release, acquit and forever discharge the Parties Released from:

·        All liability for any illness, injury and/or death of your pet (unless resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct);


·        Any and all actions, causes of action and claims of every type and nature (including but not limited to claims for negligence);


·        All liability, loss, damages, costs, and expenses (including but not limited to veterinary expenses), judgments, fees (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), third-party actions, and suits at law or in equity

arising out of or related in any way to your contact or communication with Parties Released or your use or attempted use of services by Parties Released.


The foregoing notwithstanding, in no event will any of the Parties Released be liable for consequential, exemplary, special, indirect or incidental damages, it being specifically agreed that no consequential or incidental damages are within the contemplation of the parties for breach of any part of this Agreement.  It is further specifically agreed that the Parties Released have no knowledge or reason to know of any general or particular requirements or needs of you or your animal which could give rise to consequential or incidental damages.


In the event of a pet emergency while your pet is in the care and custody of The Ruff House Stay & Play and you are unreachable, you hereby authorize The Ruff House Stay & Play, its employees and/or representatives to seek immediate veterinary care for your pet. You understand that all costs in connection therewith, including transportation, veterinary, medical, and other costs, shall be your responsibility, and you will be responsible to reimburse The Ruff House Stay & Play for any such expenses advanced by The Ruff House Stay & Play or charged by providers to The Ruff House Stay & Play.


You fully understand the financial terms of the services requested. 


You are aware of the pet abandonment statute in Virginia. You understand that legal action will be taken against any owner for abandonment in Virginia and that legal action will be taken against any owner for failure to pay in full Owner’s financial obligation to The Ruff House Stay & Play.


You certify that you have read and understand this agreement and you agree to accept all the terms, conditions, and statements of this agreement. 

Grooming Policies

Grooming Rules 

Pets are accepted for grooming under the following conditions ONLY: 


  • Your pet is required to be fit and healthy and has not been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days.

  • Grooming performed on an elderly pet, or pet with health problems, will be at the owner's risk.

  • We will not accept any pet who is in heat.

  • We will not accept any pet who is pregnant.

  • We will not accept any pet who is sedated.

  • Grooming may expose pre-existing health/skin problems for which The Ruff House Stay & Play is not liable.

  • Your pet is required to have current vaccinations.

  • In the event of injury or health concerns, The Ruff House Stay & Play is authorized to contact a veterinarian and authorize the veterinarian to treat the pet as necessary, at the owner’s expense.

  • Dematting or thinning out matted hair may cause patchiness and/or hair loss.

  • Shaving a pet's double coat may result in changes of texture and/or color.

  • Payment will be made as per price list/quote, and is due in full at pick up.

  • Owners must pick up their pets by the normal closing time. Owners who fail to pick up their pet prior to closing will be charged an overnight boarding fee equal to the standard accommodation rate.


***If your pet arrives at the salon with fleas, The Ruff House Stay & Play will automatically administer medication to your pet to rid him/her of fleas at your cost.


About Mats:

Everyday activity of a pet can cause tangles. When the tangles get snarled together, a mat forms. Dead hair and debris (sticks, burrs, barbs, etc.) can hold the mat together, also causing it to grow in size by entangling hair around and into the mat. Water will cause a mat to tighten, pulling on the skin causing the pet discomfort. 

  • Mats can cause and hide red, irritated, swollen, or cracked skin. Removing a mat may reveal this.

  • Mats can conceal the presence of fleas or other pests.

  • Mats can make it impossible to determine the presence of any moles, scabs, or other conditions of thepet's skin. Removing a mat may reveal this.

  • Mats prevent a pet's skin from completely drying if it becomes wet, a situation that is also conducive tocausing skin problems/irritations.

  • Grooming may aggravate the pet's skin due to the tenderness caused by the mats. This includes but isnot limited to the following: redness on or around the matted area, irritated skin, excessive itching or scratching, bumps, infection (may or may not include puss, blood) on or around the previously matted area.


The Ruff House Stay & Play grooming staff will use the utmost care and take any and all precautions during this procedure. A matted pet may experience reactions to the groom, such as hot spots, irritated or sensitive skin. Shaving the pet may reveal a pre-existing condition(s) that were hidden beneath the matting. Should a pre-existing condition require immediate medical attention, we will attempt to contact you and take your pet to a veterinarian for his/her well being. All veterinarian fees will be added to your invoice.


In the event your pet's coat cannot be saved without causing undue discomfort to your pet, The Ruff House Stay & Play will attempt to contact you regarding coat removal. In the event you (or emergency contact) cannot be reached, you authorize The Ruff House Stay & Play to remove your pet's coat (shave down). You release The Ruff House Stay & Play from any and all liability for any skin conditions that might be revealed by the removal of the matted coat, or that may develop in the days immediately following the groom. You understand that such pre-existing conditions are not the responsibility of The Ruff House Stay & Play. Revealed medical conditions may require veterinary care and you will assume all financial responsibility for any such expense. 


Nail Trimming/Grinding

The staff at The Ruff House Stay & Play is trained to safely trim and grind dog and cat nails.  We take every precaution to avoid injuring the animal's quick however bleeding can occur following a nail trim or grind.  Animals with dark nails or animals who do not get their nails trimmed regularly are more susceptible to this as the quick is hard to see or has grown to fill the entire length of the nail.  Regular trimming and properly maintained nails will ensure the quick stays small and is not injured during nail trimming.  When the quick is cut during trimming/grinding we will administer a clotting agent to stop the bleeding.


In some instances, a dog who had a nail trim/grind (no quick damage) can injure the quick if the nail trim was in close proximity to the quick.  It is possible for a dog to get excited which raises their blood pressure and either bursts the quick or pushes the quick past the end of their trimmed nail which is then injured by walking.


Hold Harmless Agreement 

I understand that the Grooming Staff is trained and experienced and will work to ensure the safety and well being of my pet while in The Ruff House Stay & Play' care. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify The Ruff House Stay & Play and its employees, invitees, and guests from liability, claims and damages,including reasonable attorneys' fees, for loss, injury, illness and/or death caused by my pet to persons, other pets, or property. I further release The Ruff House Stay & Play and its employees from liability, claims, and damages, including attorneys' fees, for any illness, injury and/or death caused to my pet, unless resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct. While my pet is in the care and custody of The Ruff House Stay & Play and I am unreachable in the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize The Ruff House Stay & Play, its employees and/or representatives to seek immediate veterinary care for my pet. I understand that all costs in connection therewith, including transportation, veterinary, medical, and otherwise, shall be my responsibility. I will be responsible to reimburse The Ruff House Stay & Play for any medical expenses. I fully understand the financial terms of the grooming services requested. I am aware of the pet abandonment statue in Virginia. I understand that legal action will be taken against any owner for abandonment in Virginia. I understand that legal action will be taken against any owner for abandonment or failure to pay in full my financial obligation to The Ruff House Stay & Play. I certify that I have read and understand this agreement. I agree to accept all the terms, conditions, and statements of this agreement. 


Release of Liability, Hold Harmless and Indemnification


P & M Pet Services, LLC does business as The Ruff House Stay & Play.  All references in this document to “The Ruff House Stay & Play,” “us,” or “our” means “P & M Pet Services, LLC”; this release is for the benefit of  The Ruff House Stay & Play, P & M Pet Services, LLC and their members, managers, agents, employees and representatives (hereafter “Parties Released”).


By signing this document, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Parties Released from any and all actions, causes of action and claims of every type and nature (including but not limited to claims for negligence), as well as all liability, loss, damages, costs, and expenses (including but not limited to veterinary expenses), judgments, fees (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), third-party actions, and suits at law or in equity arising out of or related in any way to:


·        Any action or inaction or conduct of you, your guests or your animal at The Ruff House Stay & Play or any event sponsored by The Ruff House Stay & Play;


·        Any illness of or injury to your animal or any other animal;


·        Any damage to any person or persons or any of your property or any other property;


·        Your failure to provide complete, accurate and timely information to The Ruff House Stay & Play about your animal; and


·        Any misrepresentation by you or your representatives including, without limitation, any person claiming to be the owner of your animal or the owner’s authorized agent.

In addition, you hereby agree to release, acquit and forever discharge the Parties Released from:

·        All liability for any illness, injury and/or death of your pet (unless resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct);


·        Any and all actions, causes of action and claims of every type and nature (including but not limited to claims for negligence);


·        All liability, loss, damages, costs, and expenses (including but not limited to veterinary expenses), judgments, fees (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), third-party actions, and suits at law or in equity

arising out of or related in any way to your contact or communication with Parties Released or your use or attempted use of services by Parties Released.


The foregoing notwithstanding, in no event will any of the Parties Released be liable for consequential, exemplary, special, indirect or incidental damages, it being specifically agreed that no consequential or incidental damages are within the contemplation of the parties for breach of any part of this Agreement.  It is further specifically agreed that the Parties Released have no knowledge or reason to know of any general or particular requirements or needs of you or your animal which could give rise to consequential or incidental damages.


In the event of a pet emergency while your pet is in the care and custody of The Ruff House Stay & Play and you are unreachable, you hereby authorize The Ruff House Stay & Play, its employees and/or representatives to seek immediate veterinary care for your pet. You understand that all costs in connection therewith, including transportation, veterinary, medical, and other costs, shall be your responsibility, and you will be responsible to reimburse The Ruff House Stay & Play for any such expenses advanced by The Ruff House Stay & Play or charged by providers to The Ruff House Stay & Play.


You fully understand the financial terms of the services requested. 


You are aware of the pet abandonment statute in Virginia. You understand that legal action will be taken against any owner for abandonment in Virginia and that legal action will be taken against any owner for failure to pay in full Owner’s financial obligation to The Ruff House Stay & Play.


You certify that you have read and understand this agreement and you agree to accept all the terms, conditions, and statements of this agreement. 





Dog Daycare Policies

Dog Daycare Policies

P & M Pet Services, LLC does business as The Ruff House Stay & Play.  All references in this document to The Ruff House Stay & Play, us, or our means P & M Pet Services, LLC and this release is for the benefit of P & M Pet Services, LLC and its members, managers and employees. 


Dog Daycare at The Ruff House Stay & Play provides a fun, stimulating, and social environment.  To ensure the safety and health of your pet and our other guests, we require the following:


Age: All dogs must be at least 12 weeks old.  If younger, day boarding will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Sex: All dogs seven (7) months older must be spayed or neutered.


Vaccines: All dogs must have veterinary proof of Rabies, Distemper, Bordetella, and Canine Influenza (H3N2 and H3N8).  Additionally, all dogs must have yearly negative fecal checks.


It is your responsibility to bring your animal’s vaccination records from a licensed veterinarian at enrollment and each time your animal’s vaccines are renewed.  Vaccines that are not administered by a veterinarian cannot be accepted because we cannot confirm the proper dosage, storage, and administration of those vaccines.  For privacy reasons, most veterinarians in the area will not provide vaccines directly to The Ruff House Stay & Play unless the client is making the request.  Therefore, you will need to be responsible for ensuring that we receive current vaccine records for your animal.  If you are unsure if we have your animal’s current vaccine records on file, you can either check your on-line account or call us. Veterinarians may email vaccine records to info@ruffhouseva.comor you may upload them through the customer portal.


Health: All dogs must be in good health, with a physical exam within the past year.  Owners will certify their dog is in good health and has not been ill with a communicable condition for the past 14 days.  Dogs that have been ill within the past 14 days will require veterinarian certification of health to be readmitted to Dog Daycare.  Fleas will be treated at owner's expense.  Dogs should not have injuries that can be exacerbated with vigorous play.


Behavior: All dogs must be non-aggressive and show no food or toy protection.  Owners will certify that their dogs have not harmed or shown threatening behavior towards any person or other dogs.  If any behavioral issue arises at home, it is the responsibility of the owner to notify kennel staff.  Please remember, your pet will be spending time with other pets - EVERYONE's safety and health is our main concern.


Optional Extras: Grooming and bathing may be requested at any time (pending availability).  Dogs will be charged for a 1/2 day of daycare if groomed the same day.


Daycare Closures Daycare will be closed during some holiday time periods, mainly between Christmas and New Years.  The Ruff House Stay & Play will announce closures and delays to our daycare and operating schedule through email and Facebook.


Dog Daycare Owner Agreement

I hereby certify that my dog(s) is in good health and has not been ill with any communicable condition in the last fourteen (14) days.  I acknowledge that I am responsible for notifying The Ruff House Stay & Play if my dog is subsequently diagnosed with a communicable condition which will prevent them from participating in group play activities.  I further certify that my dog has not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person of any other dog. I have read and understand the following:

1.     I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog while participating in Dog Daycare at The Ruff House Stay & Play.

2.     I understand and agree that in admitting my dog to daycare at The Ruff House Stay & Play, the staff has relied on my representation that my dog is in good health and has not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior to any person or any other dog.

3.     I understand and agree that dogs can sometimes receive minor cuts and scratches at daycare and any problems that develop with my dogs will be treated as deemed best by staff, at their sole discretion.  I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved.

4.     I understand that respiratory, parasite, and/or flea problems cannot be completely eliminated, but as an owner, I will take necessary precautions to minimize such risks.

5.     I understand the current operating hours of The Ruff House Stay & Play.  There will be a $1 per minute charge for any dog not picked up before close of business.  Dogs not picked 15 minutes past close of business will incur a one (1) night boarding charge in addition to the daycare charge.  The Ruff House Stay & Play reserves the right to prohibit pickup close of business.  Continued tardiness for pickup may be used as grounds for dismissal from dog daycare.


Release of Liability, Hold Harmless and Indemnification


P & M Pet Services, LLC does business as The Ruff House Stay & Play.  All references in this document to “The Ruff House Stay & Play,” “us,” or “our” means “P & M Pet Services, LLC”; this release is for the benefit of  The Ruff House Stay & Play, P & M Pet Services, LLC and their members, managers, agents, employees and representatives (hereafter “Parties Released”).


By signing this document, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Parties Released from any and all actions, causes of action and claims of every type and nature (including but not limited to claims for negligence), as well as all liability, loss, damages, costs, and expenses (including but not limited to veterinary expenses), judgments, fees (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), third-party actions, and suits at law or in equity arising out of or related in any way to:


·        Any action or inaction or conduct of you, your guests or your animal at The Ruff House Stay & Play or any event sponsored by The Ruff House Stay & Play;


·        Any illness of or injury to your animal or any other animal;


·        Any damage to any person or persons or any of your property or any other property;


·        Your failure to provide complete, accurate and timely information to The Ruff House Stay & Play about your animal; and


·        Any misrepresentation by you or your representatives including, without limitation, any person claiming to be the owner of your animal or the owner’s authorized agent.

In addition, you hereby agree to release, acquit and forever discharge the Parties Released from:

·        All liability for any illness, injury and/or death of your pet (unless resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct);


·        Any and all actions, causes of action and claims of every type and nature (including but not limited to claims for negligence);


·        All liability, loss, damages, costs, and expenses (including but not limited to veterinary expenses), judgments, fees (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), third-party actions, and suits at law or in equity

arising out of or related in any way to your contact or communication with Parties Released or your use or attempted use of services by Parties Released.


The foregoing notwithstanding, in no event will any of the Parties Released be liable for consequential, exemplary, special, indirect or incidental damages, it being specifically agreed that no consequential or incidental damages are within the contemplation of the parties for breach of any part of this Agreement.  It is further specifically agreed that the Parties Released have no knowledge or reason to know of any general or particular requirements or needs of you or your animal which could give rise to consequential or incidental damages.


In the event of a pet emergency while your pet is in the care and custody of The Ruff House Stay & Play and you are unreachable, you hereby authorize The Ruff House Stay & Play, its employees and/or representatives to seek immediate veterinary care for your pet. You understand that all costs in connection therewith, including transportation, veterinary, medical, and other costs, shall be your responsibility, and you will be responsible to reimburse The Ruff House Stay & Play for any such expenses advanced by The Ruff House Stay & Play or charged by providers to The Ruff House Stay & Play.


You fully understand the financial terms of the services requested. 


You are aware of the pet abandonment statute in Virginia. You understand that legal action will be taken against any owner for abandonment in Virginia and that legal action will be taken against any owner for failure to pay in full Owner’s financial obligation to The Ruff House Stay & Play.


You certify that you have read and understand this agreement and you agree to accept all the terms, conditions, and statements of this agreement. 



M-F: 7-11am, 1-6pm

Sat: 7-5pm

Sun: 2-6pm


5201 Virginia Beach Blvd

Virginia Beach, VA 23462

p: 757-499-7697

f:  757-499-0669

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©2022 by P & M Pet Services, LLC

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